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Apply for Financial Aid

ABU Offers financial aid to help you cover the cost of your education.
Apply as soon as possible for the best financial aid options!

​Eligibility for Financial Aid
Financial aid is only available for classes that are required for your current degree plan.


Who can apply

U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens


Eligibility requirements

  • Demonstrate financial need (for most programs)

  • Have a valid Social Security number

  • Have a high school diploma or GED

  •  Not owe a refund on a federal loan or be in default

  • on a federal education loan


Academic requirements

  • Enroll or be accepted for enrollment in an associate

  • degree or credit certificate program (at least 3 credit

  • hours for most programs)

  • Maintain the Financial Aid Standards of Academic

  • Progress (SAP)

  • Enrollment and attendance in all classes each

  • semester must be established prior to the census

  • date of each class


How is my eligibility for different types of aid determined?

Your eligibility for financial need (and potential financial awards) is established after you complete the FAFSA process.


There are two components used to determine financial need:


To determine your financial need, your SAI is subtracted from the budgeted COA.


Financial awards are given based on your financial need. TCC reviews your eligibility for Pell grants first, followed by consideration for additional federal, state, and/or institutional grants. If there is still an unmet need remaining, TCC will award optional aid, such as work-study and/or student loans. 


My Financial Aid Agreement

Please review the Financial Aid Agreement found here. You will need to sign and date this every semester in which you receive financial aid.


Receive your Financial Aid

Check Financial Aid Status in MyABU student portal. 

Accept your package as it is or make changes. 


How to decline or adjust your loans.



Now that you've received your financial aid award, it's time to pay for your classes.


What is financial aid disbursement?

Financial aid disbursement is when your financial aid funds are applied to any outstanding tuition balance on your student account.


When Your Classes Get Paid?

Your aid will be disbursed 30 days after the first day of your class. You should receive an email in your email account letting you know more details about your disbursement.


After Your Classes Get Paid?

If you still have a balance remaining with ABU after financial aid funds have been applied to your account, you will be put on a payment plan that will be available in your student portal. 


What is the difference between a disbursement and a refund? 

A refund is any money left over after your financial aid has been disbursed and paid the tuition balance on your account.

You will not receive your refund until 14 days after the funds have been posted to your student account. 


Maintain your financial aid

Keep your financial aid by meeting ABU and program requirements.


Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

To maintain your eligibility for financial aid, you must adhere to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards and Practices requirements.


What are Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards and Practices?

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards and Practices, also known as SAP, is a set of standards students are required to maintain if they receive financial aid. These standards require students to make progress toward a certificate, degree, or transfer program during all periods of enrollment, including periods when a student did not receive financial aid.


What are the requirements?​​​​

64+ hours
32-63 Hours
0-31 Hours

When is academic progress evaluated?

Your satisfactory academic progress will be evaluated at the end of each academic term (i.e., fall, spring, and summer terms).

Successful completion of a class is defined as earning a grade of A, B, C, D, or CR. Unsuccessful grades are F, W, NC, or incomplete.


Types of Financial Aid

Grants are gift aid that you're awarded based on your Student Aid Index, which is calculated from the FAFSA. Applying for grants early is always best, but not mandatory.


A pell grant is a federal grant awarded to you based on your Student Aid Index, which is calculated from the FAFSA.

Award amounts range between $740 to $7,395, the maximum of two full-time semesters per academic year. Most recipients may enroll in at least one credit hour.


Pell grants are considered an entitlement program. Therefore, you are required to have a fully processed application by your last date of enrollment to receive this aid program.


Pell Grant Lifetime Limit

Federal law limits the amount you may receive over your lifetime to the equivalent of six years of Pell Grant funding. Since the maximum amount of Pell Grant funding you can receive each year is equal to 100%, the six-year equivalent is 600% or 12 full-time semesters.

For more information regarding Pell Grant lifetime limits, please visit the U.S. Department of Education's Federal Student Aid website.



A loan is money you borrow and must pay back with interest. Loans can help families meet the costs of higher education expenses.

By completing the FAFSA, you are considered for all types of financial aid, including federal and state student loans.

What loans are available?

Grade Level
Junior/Senior (64+ credit hours)
$7,500 (no more than $5,500 subsidized
$12,500 (no more than $5,500 subsidized)
Sophomore (32-63 credit hours)
$6,500 (no more than $4,500 subsidized)
$10,500 (no more than $4,500 subsidized)
Freshman (0-31 Credit Hours)
$5,500 (no more than $3,500 subsidized)
$9,500 (no more than $3,500 subsidized

Veterans Services

Educational Benefits

Applications for benefits should be submitted prior to registering for classes.


You must request benefits every year for which you want to use them. We creommend registering early for courses in your degree plan and then submitting your request for benefits shortly after your registration.

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