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Academic Policies & Procedures

An ABU student is expected to approach all academic work "as unto the Lord" (Colossians 3:23).

For optimal academic success, students are advised to establish a healthy, productive relationship with each professor.

ABU offers courses both on-campus and online. Every ABU course is on Canvas. Students may log in to Canvas through My ABU. Within the Canvas course materials, a student will find a syllabus that represents the agreement between the professor and student regarding the specific expectations for the course. Please refer to the current ABU Catalog for Academic policies. The Office of Academic Affairs can assist any student or faculty member with established procedures.

Selected Policies & Procedures

Please see the Office of the Registrar page for policies and procedures related to student records.


ABU awards credit for grades of A, B, C, and D. A grade of D does not transfer.

GPA is computed on a 4-point scale. A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for good standing.

The unit of credit is the semester hour.

Attendance & Online Participation

The ABU on-campus academic program is designed for in-class learning experiences and relationships between students as well as between professors and students. A student must attend at least 75% of class time to earn credit for the course.

Online course participation is defined as active engagement through the submission of completed assignments. An online student must participate regularly to earn credit for a course.


Students are generally  expected to complete assignments independently and always in strict adherence to professor instructions. Any misrepresentation to deceive in academic work is unacceptable, and may generally be classified as cheating or plagiarism. 

Academic integrity infractions will not be tolerated, and will be processed by the Office of Academic Affairs in response to evidence and according to written policy.


Catalog  2024-2025

Catalog 2023-2024

Catalog 2022-2023
Catalog 2021-2022

Catalog 2020-2021

Catalog 2019-2020

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